Toll on 520 and I-90

94.9 FM KUOW NPR is a good radio channel. I like it. It plays less of music and more of news, debates and discussions. How the Argentina Socks industry is doing, what Obama said to the Kenyan President, how a fisherman in Whidbey island has resolved to reduce his carbon footprint, what people feel about tolling the 520 and I-90 bridges that connect Eastside and Seattle. This last topic was being discussed in a dial-in program last week and there were a variety of interesting views.

Yes, it should be tolled – if you use it, pay for it. No, because the state needs to manage its budget better and maintain the bridge which is part of the road network. Someone said if the toll is $3 per use, it would mean higher %age of use tax for a carpenter with low income as compared to a tech professional, so it will be an unfair deal. A caller from Bainbridge was in favor of the toll – if the people dwelling on the islands can pay hefty sums of money for using the state ferries everyday to cross a body of water, why should not people pay for using a bridge which also helps to cross a body of water. Another caller said imposing the toll would mean people will take alternate routes which will lead to bigger problems like traffic congestions, more fuel burnt and more pollution. A counter argument to the point – ‘you use it, you pay for it’ was that everybody benefits from the bridge even if they don’t travel on the bridge, they make use of services and products that are shipped over the bridge. Also if roads are built in one corner of the state, then do the people living only in that corner pay for those roads? No, so why should this rule apply just because it’s a bridge.

Overall a very interesting exchange of ideas and an array of viewpoints!

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