Heaven is a place on earth

Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try…

No hell below us, above us only sky.

John Lennon, 1971

Physically speaking, earth is as heavenly a body as any other heavenly bodies in the universe. Most religious texts, however, describe various versions of heaven as a place you go to after you are dead, provided you have committed good deeds in your life. Be a sinner, and you will end up in hell. This is similar to the most basic motivational technique of carrots and sticks, to drive certain behavior, applied at level of humanity. It is akin to how a kid may be promised a new bicycle upon scoring well in an exam, or a time-out if he or she continues a misbehavior.

Like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and many other religions, modern society (capitalism, democracy, freedom) has its own version of Heaven and Hell. If you work hard and intelligently, you can create a heaven for yourself right here on earth. If you waste your life or commit a crime, you will experience Hell right here as well. 

Today, technology has made many elements of Hindu heaven possible in real life. An example would be the Kalpavriksha. Just utter what you desire, akin to reciting a Shloka, and what you wish for will appear at your doorstep. (“Alexa, order a Martin acoustic Guitar…”). At the same time, technology has given rise to elements of Hell. In heaven, you should have all the time to do what you wish to do. But if heaven is on earth, in spite of all the technological advancements, we have only 35% of our lives (primarily weekends and holidays) to do what we would really rather do. Add social and family obligations, and that 35% can easily dwindle to 5%.

There are not a lot many people who have found their passion, let alone indulging in it for a living. Some people like to pursue it as a side business or a side hobby. So if you are unable to do what you love as a full time activity, the next best savior of an option that you have is to start loving what you do. Otherwise fulfillment in this life will be ever evasive. You may get reborn and have another shot at it, and even though the new you will be this you at the level of consciousness, the new you would ironically and unfortunately not be conscious of that connection. 

Likely not the perspective she was thinking of when she wrote this song

Stay safe everyone, from coronavirus, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, locust or alien invasions, riots, looters and bad cops, terror attacks, car prowlers, asteroids, layoffs and economic hardships, Netflix addiction, irritated spouses and kids, not to mention your own negativity and insanity…

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